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Committed to Excellence
in Uropathology

Welcome to ADPA
Your Expert Team in Urologic Pathology

ADPA is a state-of-the-art, CLIA-certified & CAP-accredited specialty laboratory focused on genitourinary diagnostic services. We provide comprehensive histopathology, cytopathology, high-throughput qualitative and quantitative immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), and molecular diagnostic services. We proudly offer digital imaging analysis, including slide scanning, and telepathology services. ADPA aims to be the preferred regional laboratory for uropathology services.

Enhancing Patient Care Through Personalized Pathology Solutions

At ADPA, we provide urology practices with exceptional anatomic, molecular, and surgical pathology services tailored to their specific needs. As leaders in the field, we combine cutting-edge technology and innovation, continuous process improvement, and a people-first approach to deliver diagnostic excellence and ensure the best treatment decisions for your patients.


Unmatched Expertise in Urologic Pathology

With our specialized focus on urologic pathology, we bring unparalleled expertise to every case we handle. Our team of experienced pathologists and technicians are committed to staying at the forefront of the latest advancements and innovations in urology. We leverage the most advanced technology and techniques to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of our diagnoses, providing you with reliable test results you can trust.


Continuous Improvement and Innovation

We believe that there is always room for improvement, which is why we continuously invest in process improvement and innovation. Our unwavering focus on quality and accuracy drives us to seek new ways to enhance our services and refine our methodologies. By leveraging the latest advancements in pathology, we aim to streamline your pathology experience and make it as efficient as possible. Our goal is to automate your pathology workflow, enabling you to focus on what you do best: managing patient expectations, addressing their concerns, and ensuring a positive patient experience.

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Exceptional Client Services Tailored to You

At ADPA, we understand that each urology practice has unique needs. That's why our Client Services Team will prioritize identifying and understanding your specific requirements and preferences from the very beginning. We go above and beyond to exceed your expectations in every interaction, providing personalized logistics and the highest level of customer service. Our goal is to be more than just a laboratory; we strive to be your trusted partner, supporting you in delivering the best possible care to your patients.

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Choose ADPA, a Leader in Urologic Pathology, for your Patients Testing Needs

When you partner with ADPA, you can trust that you are working with a laboratory that shares your commitment to excellence in urology. We are dedicated to being the very best resource for personalized urologic pathology services. Experience the ADPA difference and unlock the potential for better patient care. Contact us today to discuss how we can tailor our services to meet your practice's unique needs.

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Empowering the Best Healthcare Decisions.

What we offer
Explore our pathology services

  • cystitis.png
  • blood-sample.png
    Blood Tests
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    Urine Cytology
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  • molecules.png
    Molecular Testing
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    Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) & Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)
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    Routine Diagnostic Consultation and Collaboration
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    Clinical Research Trials

We're here to help!
Feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns about our pathology services!